
Orthogonal Technology


During the early days of the Internet, before the world wide web, in an engineering forum on the CompuServe bulletin board, someone referred to the Electrical Engineers in the group with derogatory terms including nerd and electro-weenie.

Hence, a discussion ensued about the name calling. My impulsive response...

We are not nerds, Just *"Orthogonal Personalities"*.

Weeks later, the company I worked for was sold and moved out of state. Because I did not want to relocate, I became a consultant while I finished a product I had been developing.

When asked if I had a company name to consult under, I replied yes.

Orthogonal Technology

That day I registered orthogonal.com, April 25th 1996.


I continued working as an EE until I retired in 2016 after 46 years. The majority of my career I did medical product development. After I retired, I promised myself a sabbatical, during which time my wife and I traveled the country in our RV.

Photography and the grandchildren have kept us busy. The sabbatical was much longer than I anticipated.

Then, along came the pandemic. Traveling became more difficult, the national parks closed and so did many RV campgrounds.

Meanwhile, I have kept up with the habitual "Light Reading" which is so much a part of any technical or scientific profession. I still seek an understanding of the behavior of inanimate objects.